JKSSEE - 2025 Admit Card Released ..........




The deviations and distractions are many; and are as old as is civilization. Modern age is no different, for there is every chance of deviation which causes violation of law. Disobedience of law has proved punishable in human history. Disobedience of law had not spared even ‘Adam and Eve’. Their distraction or disobedience caused breach of law, which denied them paradise.  We, therefore, need to be all alert in our all capacities to not to fall prey to any forbidden fruit or disobedience that can catch us by the neck and deny us our due in the society state, organization or institution. Following law of the land is only route to keep us going good and going in tandem with the requirements of age and expectations. Abiding by the laws of societies, states, institutions, etc. are always contributing in the growth and development. We can progress, prosper and be with a promising future only if we follow law. If we believe or behave otherwise, we shall be inviting trouble. Hence, we as conscious citizens are duty-bound to cultivate a persona in us who is law loving and law following face in the society. This way we can discourage or arrest all ill will or delinquencies/criminal behaviors in the country or society and be surely on the top of the World. Keeping in view this holistic development and to hone ‘Civic Skills’ among the boarders of the school, the JKSSM in collaboration with theDepartment of Legal School, Central University of Kashmir, (Tulamulla Camp) initiated a programme under the banner, “LEGAL LITERACY PROGROMME”. The programme coordinators, Dr. Hilal (CUK faculty) Dr. Younus & Dr. Tanveer (JKSSM faculty) deliberated upon the importance of the programme. The message was crystal clear, i-e, to create awareness among the students about law and make them law abiding students/citizens of the School/society.We are fortunate to learn it from the horse’s mouth or experts of law learning students of Central University,Kashmir who put it very plain that ‘Child Delinquency’ or Ragging or misconduct is not going to go along. We as a cohesive team made it clear that law is both punitive and protective. Giving it a chance either way can both help us or harm us. The team showed all enthusiasm to see students grow as path makers not path breakers. They impressed upon the student community that law knowing students can change their destiny and make societies/state very proud. In order to give psychological boast to the students and see them remain positively engaged in the boarding culture, the experts exposed students to certain skills/gameslike Stack and Run, Cups and Balloons, etc. The games were fully motivated to inspire students to come to terms with any delinquency or depression in the boarding School. We thank you all for your precious time that you spent with us to make feel relaxed and develop healthy signs of an ideal citizens of the country.

Thank you very much.

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