Provisional Selection List for Admission in Class 6th, 9th & 11th Session 2025-26 is available on the School Website



1. Parents may visit their wards on promulgated parents "Sunday" which are once in a month. The time for the visit is from 0900hrs to 1430 hrs. You are requested to refrain from visiting the school on other days. In case of any emergency please contact the AO/VP.

2. Out pass is sanctioned only on medical grounds on the recommendations of the School Medical Officer. No other form of out pass is permitted. You are requested to plan all religious and family engagements during the term breaks only.

3. Please do not hand over money or send money orders to your ward. They are not permitted to keep any money on their person or in dormitories. All their personal expenditure will be met from their Pocket money account.

4. Security Guards at the entrance gates of the school have been briefed to ascertain the bonafides of all people entering and leaving the school. Please co-operate with the security personnel in this regard. Remember, that this is being done to ensure the safety of your children inside the school campus. No one has been exempted from this.

5. Helmets/Seat belts are compulsory within the school campus. Speed limit for all vehicles will be 30km per hour.

6. Parking of vehicles is permitted only in the first Hockey Ground from the main entrance gate of the school. Parents are requested not to take their vehicles beyond this point inside the school campus on any occasion. Cadets are not permitted to drive any vehicle inside the campus.

7. Please follow all the traffic rules and regulations strictly.

8. The school campus is a litter free and polythene free zone. Wrappers and polythene bags brought by the parents will be taken out by them and not littered around the campus. You are advised to bring a bag with you for carrying back left over food, wrappers etc.

9. Parents are also requested not to smoke, drink or chew paan inside the school campus.

10. Parents are requested to pay the fees as per the schedule.

11. The bathrooms (Ladies and Gents) in the auditorium are available for use by parents on Sundays. You are requested not to visit any other bathroom in the campus.

12. Cadets are not permitted to keep mobile phones or any other electronic items. Parents are advised to refrain from giving such items to their wards. Strict disciplinary action including withdrawal from the school will be undertaken in case of defaulters.

13. Dental out pass would be permitted preferably only on Saturdays from 1430 h to 1930 h. No overnight out pass for this reason will be issued.

14. Parents visiting their wards are requested to refrain from entering the wings or study halls, of the dormitories. They will meet their wards inside the House Masters office only in his presence.

15. Security Guards patrolling the campus have been briefed to ensure and enforce the regulations cited above. In case of any problems please contact the Principal/Admin Officer.

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